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Solution for FAQ of LED destination sign

Problem 1: LED destination sign doesn’t work

Solution: 1. Check the power supply of destination sign. Normal voltage should be DC24V.
               2. Check whether the positive and negative cable connecting in order or not.
               3. Check the internal voltage converter. Normal input is 24V and output is 3.6V.
               4. Check whether the active indicator lights work normal or not.
               5. Check whether the data of the center controller has been correctly setting or not according to the software manual.

Problem 2: voltage converter is out of order

Solution: 1. Check the voltage input 24V and output 3.6V.

               2. Check whether the safety fuse is burnt out.

               3. Check whether the 2Ω2W resistance with at “R20” is burnt out.

               4. Check whether the 36Ω resistance at “R21-R28” is burnt out.

               5. Check whether the voltage input of triode at“Q4” is 22-24V.

               6. Check whether the 0.22Ω resistance at “R18-19” is burnt out.

               7. Check whether the PCB is burnt out.

Problem 3: Main board is out of order

Solution: 1. Check whether the power supply from the voltage converter to the main board does work.

               2. Check whether the 36Ω resistance at “R36” is burnt out or not.

               3. Check whether the 78D05L at “U7” is burnt out or not. The normal voltage output is 5V.

               4. Check whether the LD1117AL-3.3A at “U6” is burnt out or not. The normal voltage input is 5V and output is 3.3V.

                5. Check whether the indicator light on the main board is long bright or not. D5 is power indicator light and D6 is work indicator light.

Problem 4: Center controller can’t sync with LED destination sign to switch the content
Solution:1. Check whether the vision on the system parameter of center controller is the same as setting on the software or not. If not , change the vision on the software as same as center controller vision. Please take the Center Controller Use Manual for your reference.

              2. Check whether sign cable to LED destination board and center controller is correspond to their order and have no break.

              3. Check the content set on software is correct or not.

              4. Check whether the main board is burnt out or not.

              5. Check whether the IC of the main board at “U2” & “U3” has solder problem or not.

Problem 5: Gibberish or flash problem exist with LED destination sign

Solution: 1. Check whether the power supply is normal.

                2. Check whether the cable of main board is loose or damaged.

                3.  Check whether the cable of lighting panel is loose or damaged.

                4.  Check whether the IC of the main board at “U4” & “U5” has solder problem or not.
                5. Check whether the IC of the lighting panel has solder problem or not.

